Graal Guides


Everyone in Graal needs to know this quest. I will explain it to you!

1. Go to Burger Refuge in West Graal City and buy a burger for 30 gralats. Don’t eat it!

burger refuge Capture

2. Now go to extreme North Mod Town and enter the cave. Go to the right, pass a lake and you will find a poor person. Give him the burger. He will give you cat food.

grotte mod 

3. After this go to North Swamp Town. You will find a guy and his cat in a tree. Give him the cat food and the cat will go down. The guy will give you the rag.

4. Go to Mod Town and find a little square house. Enter and give the rag to the guy. In exchange, he will give you a Mirror.

mask quest mod

5. Beside Angel Clan, there is a cave entrance. Enter and you will find a huge house. Enter and go to the left door. Now enter in one of the bathrooms and find a girl. Give her the Mirror and she will give you a green shirt.

grotte angel clan

6. Now go in York Town’s bar and find a pirate, with no shirt. Give him the green shirt and he will give you matches.

bar york town

7. Go to West Onnet Town, you will see a house but you won’t be able to enter. It’s because you have to jump in the roof! When you are Inside you will find a little woman. Give her the matches and she will give you a paint brush.


8. After this go in the forest between York Town and Graal City. In the middle, you will find a painter, Hyto. Give him the paint brush and he will give you a book.


9. Now go to Graal City and find the Battle Arena. Enter and go to the right, find the Library. Give the guard the book and he will give you the fishing line.

Capture Capture

10. Finally, go to the Bridge and find the fisherman. Give him the fishing line and he will give you the scarf.

11. After obtaining the scarf, a new shop will appear in the trees next to Hyto the painter. But apparently the shop owner wasn’t ready to open…… so you have to wait 30min and come back. The shop will sell a couple of masks (2500 gralats each) You want to know what is the utility of the scarf? No one know, but some rumors say that the quest is still incomplete and the scarf may be used in the future…

mask shop

Here is a map with all the steps for the quest.



Bored of farming and you want more gralats? Try the bounty contracts!

To begin your daily bounty, you need to visit the Castle first. The Castle is just west of Graal City. Upon entering the Castle, just keep going up and up through the halls until you get to the Throne Room. Then take the door on the right, and you enter the Royal Steward’s Bounty Office.

castlecastle 2castle 3

Talk to the Steward, and after a long explanation of the system, he will offer you a bounty contract. The terms of the contract will require you to kill a certain number of a specific type of baddy (enemy).  For example, “50 Lizardons,” or “100 bats.”  The Steward will also tell you a general location to give you an idea of where to find that type of baddy.  The Steward also tells you to take your bounty to the Castle dungeon upon completing the contract.

Anyway, once you accept the contract, you will have 24 hours to complete it.  The Steward will give you a capture crate, which will follow you around for the duration of the contract.  You will not be able to use any items other than your sword and glove while the capture crate is out.  If you are not familiar with specific baddy names, tap the capture crate hotkey and it will show you a picture of the type of baddy you are looking for and how many you need to kill. Dropping your crate will allow you to use items again. Also, you will drop your crate every time you die, so remember to pick it up after respawning. When you drop your crate, it will stay in that exact location until you pick it up again, or it will disappear after the 24 hours expire.  Therefore, it is important to remember where you drop your crate!  However, if you forget where you dropped it, just tap the capture crate item button  in your item inventory and tap “call.” m.  Once you kill the correct type of baddy, your crate will automatically drop and add the kill to your bounty.


When you complete your bounty contract, stars will pop out of your crate. yippee. Now you need to take your capture crate to the Castle Dungeon. Once you enter the Castle again, take the bottom-right door. Keep walking right through the hall to the next right door.  From this corner room, there are two doors on the top wall.  Go through the door on the right, next to the Esquire, and those stairs lead down to the Dungeon.  Talk to the Warden, and he will relieve you of your crate and reward you with 1,000 gralats.

 This quest can be completed once every 24 hours


First of all, you will need to go to Onnet Town Forest, in North Onnet Town.

onnet forest entrée

The forest is a real maze. You will have to find the good combination of doors (4) to reach the witch. The combination is different for each person, so I can’t help you!

onnet forest 1 onnet forest 2 onnet forest 3 onnet forest 4

When you find her, talk to her and she will give you the rat morph, and with that you will be able to enter some secret places in Graal.

sorcière onnet rat morph




For these quests, you need to go to Big City Caldera with the ship.

 bateau delta island big city caldera map big city caldera entrée


1. You need to go behind the island. Find some rocks in a form of an hexagon.

bgc quest 1

2. Use your flippers in the middle of the rocks.

3. You will fall in a cave. Go to the door at the end of it.

bgc quest 2

4. Keep going until you find a dead tree. Jump in it!

bgc quest 3

5. In the top of the cave, you will have to dig around the skeleton, so use your shovel! You have to find a petrified note.

6. Exit the cave.

7. Now you have to find the head archaeologist in an archeological site below the cave. Talk to him.

bgc quest 4

8. Show him your petrified note. He will take it and he will go away. Follow him in the cave, where you found the note.

bgc quest 5

9. Talk again to the head archaeologist and he will give you the translation book. With the book, you will be able to talk to the Natives.

livre archéologue


1. Go to the Native Chief’s house, at the top of the island.

bgc chief house

2. Talk to him and he will ask you to help him by searching his necklace. Everyone has a different place, so I can’t very help you…)

bgc chief

3. Dig at the place he said until you find the necklace.

4. Go back to the Chief and give him the necklace. He will give you the Bear Hat.

hat bear

5. For the Bear Morph, find a house with a woman and a fire inside it. Wear your bear hat and she will give ou the morph!

bgc morph house bgc morph house

bear morph



1. You have to go on the left rampart of the city. Jump on it and enter the little square coner. Pull and push boxes to find the key.

destiny key


1. Go in the Boots Factory in Destiny.

usine boots

2. Talk to the guy Under the boots. He will go check in a box of boots.

3. When he comes back, he will offer you to choose ONE AND ONLY ONE type of boots. Choose wisely. (5000 gralats each) I suggest you the hover boots 🙂

boots hover Hover Boots.

boots ice Ice Boots.

boots moon Moon Boots.

boots opposite Opposite Boots.

boots splash Splash Boots.


1. Go to this house in Destiny. You will meet a little gnome, crying. Talk to him a couple of times and he will ask you to help him. Yes sure!

gnome quest 1

2. You have to find a free place to do a blacksmith inside. There it is in Onnet Town (you need the rat morph to enter).

gnome quest 2

3. Inside, you have to destroy all: bushes, grass and mouses. When it is done, a deed will appear.

4. Bring the deed to the banker at Graal City’s bank. He will ask you to buy the property for like 100000 gralats. Say no. He will ask you to buy it for 200 gralats. Say yes!

gnome quest 4

5. Bring the deed back to the gnome in Destiny. He will be happy 😀

gnome quest 1

6. Go back to the house you bought for him and talk to the gnome. He will say to come back later.

gnome quest 3

7. Later, go back to the house and talk to the gnome. He will upgrade your lantern!

8. With your upgraded lantern, you will be able to destroy spiderwebs in Destiny:

    8.1. To find the Destiny Guards’ hat hat destiny

    destiny guards hat

    8.2 To find new bombs with your key.

    destiny bombs destiny bombs 2


1. Go in Destiny and find the Fire Station.

fire station

2. Talk to the fire chief. Then he will go in a mission with the other firemen. Follow him.

chef pompier

3. Find the chief and his partners in this cave. Talk to him. He will ask you to explode the rock upstairs. Do it.

fireman quest 2 fireman quest

4. Now go back to the Fire Station and talk to the chief. He will give you the fireman hat!

chef pompier hat pompier


1. Go in Destiny destroyed Church. Enter on the left side of the door.

coin quest 5

2. You will have to kill the Lizardon and explode the big rock.

coin quest 1

3. Talk to the priest. You will receive the coin!

pile ou face

4. After this, you have to go to the cave near the Church.

coin quest 2

5. On top of it, there is a little door. Use your coin in front of it and it will open.

coin quest 3 coin quest 4

Secret cave! In it, you have:

-An rps hat

-the GOD BOW

-Someone to sell a couple of loots.

-The Map Satchel



This is the global map of the Castle.

Just inside the entrance, there is a courtyard with a few things for sale.  I think it is worth noting there is a horseshoe upgrade here.  It gives a small speed boost for a rather steep price of 20,000.  However, this can only be applied to ONE mount.  I don’t recommend buying it at all unless your favorite mount to use is noticeably slower than others.

Once you enter the Castle for the first time, there are a few free chests to open.  From the foyer, go up the right staircase and take the upper-right door.  Walk straight across the hall to the next door.  In this corner room, there two more doors: a stairwell leading back downstairs, and a door at the top; take the top door.  Walk up across this balcony bridge and through the next door.  This room also has two doors on the top; take the left door into the guard barracks.  Sadly, there are no gralats in the chests.  The only thing to rob from the guard are free bombs and arrows.  However the top-right chest contains a free guard hat


Warp Ring Quest:

This quest begins in the Guards Outpost, an annex west of the Castle outer wall.


Inside the Guard Outpost, your goal is to steal the Castle Treasury Key without getting caught. If a guard sees you, you will be thrown outside and will have to start over. This means you cannot walk in front of a guard (unless he is asleep).  However, guards cannot see through obstacles, so you are able to hide behind things. Sleepy guards wake up and go back to sleep every few seconds, so you can only pass in front of them when they are sleeping.


In the front half of the room, there are four guards. One sleepy guard (D) is stationed directly in front of the door. One guard (C) walks left and right across the yellow rug. Two guards (A and B) walk in a counterclockwise square path around the skull posts. If you stand idle at the door too long, guard A will see you when he turns the corner. When you first enter, guard C will be running left. As soon as guard C turns around and starts running right, this is your chance to run up-left diagonally. Just hold the up and left arrow keys until you are safe between the barrels and wall. The area around the cyan-colored ring is a safe checkpoint. If you start running too soon, guard C will see you from his peripheral; and if you start running too late, guard B may catch you when he turns the top corner.

In the back half of the room, there are two guards. One sleepy guard (F), and one guard (E) that walks counterclockwise around the table. Follow behind guard E around the table; but wait at the bottom right corner (yellow ring) until guard F is asleep. You will have to hurry quickly around the bookcase before guard E turns the corner facing upward. If you continuously fail the back half, just wait at the checkpoint and allow guard E to make one full circle around the table before following him. Sometimes guard F’s sleep cycle doesn’t sync perfectly with guard E’s circle path. Anyway, pick up the key and get out (after you have the key, you will not lose it; so it is okay to be seen).

Now that you have the key, go inside the Castle. From the foyer, go up the left stairs and take the upper left door. Go straight left across the hall and take the next door. In this corner room, there are two doors: one staircase leading back downstairs, and a door at the top; take the top door. Walk up across the balcony bridge to the next door.  You should be in the hallway here:


If you haven’t noticed already, there is a walking NPC that circles around the castle in a hurry to make sure all the sconces are lit. However, it seems he forgot one here in this room. Get out your upgraded lantern and light it. (If you do not have an upgraded lantern that throws fireballs, see the lantern item guide). A secret passage will be revealed leading to the king’s treasury. You can collect 130 gralats from the chests. The large chest in the center is opened with the key we just stole. Inside the large chest is the Warp Ring.


warp ring

Warp Crystal

The Warp Ring is in your Tools folder of your item inventory. The first time you use the item, it opens a “Warp Locations” menu, but the only option is “???.”  Tap it and you will be warped to a secret garden cave (this cave is actually located just east of the Golden Gate, but is inaccessible). In front of the statue, there is warp pedestal. Grab the front of it and remove the red warp crystal. Note: if you remove the warp crystal from this pedestal, you will never be able to return to this garden.


You are only able to warp to warp pedestals that hold one of your warp crystals. The warp crystal you grabbed earlier is in your Tools inventory also. Set it as a hotkey and use it while standing in front of a warp pedestal.

warp cristal

There are thirteen warp pedestals around the world, but you currently only have one crystal; so you need to choose wisely where you decide to set your warp crystal.

-“???” Secret Garden. (Cave east of the Golden Gate). This area is inaccessible after -removing the first warp crystal.
-Castle. Inside the grand hall, in front of the fountain.
-Onnet Town. The northernmost point, next to the forest maze and the railroad.
-MoD Town. The southwest corner, under the outdoor bar.
-Delta Island. Between the bridge and the guild spar battle arena.
-Stables. In Master Li’s forest, just under the horse stables.
-York Town. Next to the cathedral entrance.
-Snow Town. East of the Snowtown Lodge, south of Snow Tunes.
-Railsystem Cave. Inside the railroad cave between York Town and Snow Town; In front of the lonely tree.
-Deadwood. South of the Deadwood Tower.
-Swamp Town. In the southwest corner, between the Swamp Town Tower, and Floydian’s house.
-Destiny. In the southeast corner, next to the Graal Fire Department.
-Big City Caldera. Just north of the ship.

There are a total of 3 Warp Crystals to obtain.

-The original warp crystal taken from the “???” garden cave.
-There is a warp crystal for sale in the Owl’s Nest for 8,000 gralats. (If you don’t remember, this place is in Destiny, and you need the loaded coin flip to get inside).              -The third warp crystal is in the King’s bedroom.

The third warp crystal mentioned above is in a chest inside the King’s bedroom of the Castle.  The King’s bedroom is connected to the same hallway where you got the Warp Ring (see instructions above for how to find this part of the Castle).  However, the red captain of the guard will not allow anyone through the door; but we can sneak in a different way. Use your lantern to light the sconce again to open the secret passage.  Inside the treasury, use the rat morph and go through the hole in the top wall. In this tiny passage, go up, then all the way right (ignore the two dead-end branches), then down. Now you are inside the King’s bedroom.  However, the maid is blocking the chest that contains the warp crystal, and she will kick you out of the bedroom if she sees you.


The only way to open the chest is to enter the room when the King is sleeping. But the King spends most of his time around the Castle.  He could be in the throne room, the banquet hall, the garden, the cathedral, or his bedroom. The King rotates around these locations every 3 hours… So I definitely do not recommend just waiting around and waiting for him to sleep. You should just check around the Castle every 3 hours. An easy to check if the King is in his bedroom: if the Maid is cleaning the throne room, that means the King is asleep. So then go back to his bedroom through the secret passage again. Since the King is asleep, you can freely go open the chest for the third warp crystal.

Dungeon Escapee

One day every week, the Castle dungeon will be closed while prisoners are transferred in and out. The following quest can only be completed on this day, after the prisoners are transferred and the dungeon reopens.

After completing a bounty contract and turning in your capture crate to the dungeon for your reward, the jail cell on the right (in the above picture) will be opened. Go inside and push the boxes aside to reveal a rat hole. When you enter the rat hole, there is a maze.

Directions: up, first right, up all the way to the top, left, down, left, up, right, up, left, up.

In this room, kill the rat and it will transform into a “dungeon escapee.” He begs you to not tattle on him and gives you a Big Spoon. Use the spoon to dig in the square of grass. Open the chest to get Square Bombs.


spoonsquare bomb



1. Go to Mod Town and find a little lake. Enter in the central fall’s secret door.

pelle emplacement 1 pelle emplacement 2

2.Talk to the blue guy. He will ask you to participate to a little race. Do it and finish it. He will now give you the shovel!



1. Go to Mod Town in a little house. Find a guy that seems to be addict to bugs.


2. Only talk to him and he will give you the bug net…easy.

filet à insectes


1. Go in the mountain near Onnet Town and you will find the lantern seller.

2. Tap on the lantern and buy it (2000 Gralats). With it, you will be able to go to Snow Town!

-The lantern can be upgraded with a quest in Destiny (see the quest)



1. Go in Graal City and find the Train Station. Go see the Draisine seller and buy a draisine at the price of 4000 Gralats. With it, you will be able to go in all the caves around Graal!

Train station shop



1. You have to meet Toll Guy, the guy with a fishing line on the bridge near Swamp Town. You need to buy him a fish for 500 gralats.

flippers quest fish

2. When you have your fish, enter the cave just beside York Town’s Church in the direction of Snow Town. You will find a little lake. Go on top of it, at the left. Enter the waterfall.

flippers quest 1 flippers quest 2

3. Go on the little Platform in the middle and show the creature your fish. She will give you the key for the chest. Open it…THE FLIPPERS YAY! You will now be able to get loots!

flippers quest 3

palmes loots


*You need bombs and the draisine to get this*

bombes draisine

1. Go on the railroad in the caves. You will find a big hole with rails…but there is a secret door on the top of it.

    1.1. Stay on the right side of the hole.

    goggles quest 1

    1.2. Use your draisine.

    1.3. When you are in the middle, go on top…there is an invisible track!

    goggles quest 2

2. Use your bomb to destroy the rock…enter the bandits cave.

3. Go up in the door.

goggles quest 4

4. Again on top.

goggles quest 3

5. Again on top but the left.

goggles quest 5

7. Use the flippers in the little puddle.

goggles quest 6

8. You will find a chest. Open it and…

goggles quest 7

lunette de plongée

(By the way I never found the utility of this tool…but I think that it only allows you to stay longer in the water when you use flippers)



1. Go in this house in Graal City.

rps 1

2. Enter the door to the left. After, in the door at the top.

rps 2

3. Talk to the clown in the bar.

rps 3

Now, you have Rock Paper Scissors. You can play with other players in Graal or against some people in specific places. If you beat them, they will give you their hat.

1. Picture

Go to the police station. On your left, there is a guy with a hat. Play with him and beat him.

rps police

2. Picture

Go to Mod Town’s Bar and find this guy. Play with him and beat him.

rps scout rps scout 2

3. Picture

Go to Burger Refuge in Graal City. Play with the Chef in the restaurant and beat him.

rps chef

4. Picture

Go to this house in Graal City. Watch the images because it’s hard to find…There are also 4 chests.

rps fleur rps fleur 2 rps fleur 3

5. Picture

Go to the graveyard beside Graal City’s Church. There is a woman with the hat. Play with her and beat her.

rps lune rps lune 2

6. Picture

Go to this house in Graal City. Meet the guy with the hat. Play with him and beat him.

rps toilette rps toilette 2

7. Picture

Go in a cave just beside Onnet Town’s Forest. Meet the miner. Play with him and beat him.

rps mineur rps mineur 2

8. Picture

Go to Snow Town’s Lodge. Meet the boy. Play with him and beat him.

rps tuque rps tuque 2

9. hat bandit

In bandits cave. Find this bandit. Play with him and beat him.

rps bandit rps bandit 2

10. Picture

In a cave, not the bandits one. Find this old guy. Play with him and beat him.  There are also a couple of chests.

rps rat rps rat 2 rps rat 3

11. Picture

In the little cave just beside the big furniture shop. Find the guy. Play with him and beat him.

rps nerd 2 rps nerd

12. Picture

In Angel Clan’s Church. Meet this guy. Play with him and beat him.

rps soleil rps soleil 2

13. Picture

In North York Town in this huge house. Play with the guy in the kitchen and beat him.

rps sandwich rps sandwich 2 rps sandwich 3

14. Picture

 In Sardon’s Tower. Find this guy. Play with him and beat him.

rps noir 1 rps noir 2 rps noir 3

15. Picture

See the Coin Quest in Destiny’s quests section. It’s a monkey. Play with him and beat him.

16. Picture

In Destiny. In a house that seems to be an hotel, in the last door to the right. Play with the guy and beat him.

rps poète 1 rps poète 2

17. hat dégueu

In the cave of Pyrat Bay. Burn the spiderweb with your upgraded lantern (see the gnome quest). Play with the guy and beat him.

rps dégueu 1 rps dégueu 2

18. Picture

In the same cave as 11., there is a rat hole on top of it. Enter it with the rat morph, play with the guy and beat him.

rps pecheur rps pecheur 2

19. Picture

In the lobby of the MoD Guild Council. Play with the guy and beat him.

rps voleur 2rps voleur

20. Picture

This is not an RPS challenge, but it is a free hat. So I might as well put it here. Go the Onnet School. In the hall, there are lockers and clocks on the back wall. If you open a locker at the exact moment when the clocks are at 12:00 (both hands up), you will find a Dunce Cap. The clocks move a lot faster than real time, so it’s not really a 12 hour wait.


21. Picture

This isn’t a hat, but it is an item called Breakdance. It’s a gani item that lets you breakdance. Go under the main bridge below Graal City. Under the bridge, enter the Single’s Bar. TiNe is on the dance floor. Challenge him, and if you win, he will teach you how to breakdance.



I’m sure you have already seen this portal near Swamp Town, but you didn’t know what is its utility. Some rumors say that if you have all the 4 Graals, you will be able to enter. I tested it with all the Graals and…nothing. It’s a decoration. Only a decoration.

   Capture 2    Capture 3    Capture 4     Capture


This Giant Blob appears randomly in Swamp Town once every 3 hours. Everyone in the area will swarm it and it turns into a crowd quick. You can damage it with your sword, bombs, and arrows. However, so many people are bomb and arrow spamming, so using your sword is pretty ineffective. Dump your own bombs and arrows on it. You only need to hit it once to get the Slimy Spoils.


Open your Inventory and use the Slimy Spoils item to claim your reward. Most of the time, you will get a random number of gralats between 100-300. You can also get a hat, and there are a lot of different hats, so I can’t put them here. Finally, you can get the Frog Mount, a custom bomb, and a pet.

Picture bombe blob



1. In Mod Town, Inside a little forest. It’s a secret shop where you can buy bugs hats.

secret place 1 secret place 2

2. Between Graal City and Mod Town, in a house. There is a couple of chests Inside.

secret place 3 secret place 4

3. At police station, Inside a prison. Use your rat morph…but there is only a biiiiiiiiiig cow…

secret place 5 secret place 6

4. Inside a house in Onnet Town. You need a password to enter, which is ”chicken”. Anyway there is nothing Inside.

secret place 24 secret place 7 secret place 25

5. At Snow Town’s hat shop. Use your rat morph and you will find a secret shop with magicians hat for…8 000 gralats each.

secret place 8 secret place 9

6. In South Swamp Town. Use your at morph behind the house. There is 2 chests Inside.

secret place 10 secret place 11

7. In Graal City, in a little cave. Enter the door at the left and pull on the bookcase. You will enter in a cave, but there is nothing to do there…

secret place 16 secret place 17

secret place 12 secret place 13

8. In Destiny, use a bomb on the wall of a house. There is only 1 chest.

secret place 14 secret place 15

9. In the graveyard beside Graal City’s Church. Push on the gravestone like this. There is 1 chest Inside.

secret place 18 secret place 19

10. In Graal City, in the Guards Department Inside the Battle Arena. There is 2 chests.

secret place 20 secret place 21 secret place 22

11. Under the bridge, just in front of the disco. There is 1 chest.

secret place 23

12. See the ”flower Hat” in RPS guide to find 4 chests.

rps fleur 3

13. In Swamp Town, in a little gnome’s house. There is 2 chests.

secret place 26 secret place 27

14. In the left rampart of Destiny, in the last corner. There is 4 chests.

secret place 28 secret place 29

15. In bandits cave. Find a couple of boxes like this. Push this one and you will fall in another cave. There is 2 chests.

secret place 30 secret place 31

16. See the Rat Hat in RPS guide. There is a couple of chests.

rps rat 3

17. In pyrat’s cave. See the RPS guide. There is 2 chests.

rps dégueu 2

There is a few others, I will describe them soon! Be patient! If you know one, just pm me!


Each gralat has a value. To know it, only tap on it.

  Green: 1 to 4 gralats;
  Blue: 5 to 29 gralats;
  Red: 30 to 99 gralats;
  Yellow: 100 to 499 gralats;
  Purple: 500 to 999 gralats;
  Black: 1000 to 2499 gralats;
CaptureCyan: 2500 to 9999 gralats;
CaptureMulticoloured: 10000 and more!!!
Here is a list of all the bugs of graal with their value. To catch them, you need a bug net that you can find in a house in Mod Town (see Tools section)
Agrias Butterfly: Value: 71 gralats
 PictureArizona Sister Butterfly: Value: 50 gralats
Morpho Butterfly: Value: 51 gralats
Clouded Yellow Butterfly: Value: 53 gralats
Emperor Butterfly: Value: 20 gralats
Green Hairstreak Butterfly: Value: 84 gralats
nouveau papillon 5 Fatal Metal Butterfly: Value: 36 gralats
Large White Butterfly: Value: 20 gralats
Monarch Butterfly: Value: 34 gralats
Peacock Butterfly: Value: 70 gralats
Ringlet Butterfly: Value: 34 gralats
Small blue Butterfly: Value: 52 gralats
PictureSpring Azure Butterfly: Value: 42 Gralats
Swallow Tail Butterfly: Value: 40 gralats
Tiger Butterfly: Value: 69 gralats
Blumblebee: Value: 87 gralats
Dragonfly: Value: 8 gralats
Firefly: Value: 34 gralats
Grasshopper: Value: 20 gralats
/  Ladybug / Black ladybug: Value: 37 / 73 gralats
Mantis: Value: 52 gralats
Pillbug: Value: 86 gralats
Spider: Value: 70 gralats
Worm: Value: 1 gralat        (In the ground. Find it with the shovel).
Picture Cockroach: Value: 6 gralats (only in dark caves)
Picture Black Beetle: Value: 56 gralats  (only in dark caves)
You can sell your bugs to the witch in Swamp Town. Each day, she will need a special bug for a potion and will give more gralats for this bug.
 sorcière swamp sorcière swamp 2
Here is a guide of all the loots you can find when you are diving. You can sell your loots to specific people in Graal or you can simply sell all to Elster, for a lower price.
This is the list of each character and what they want:
 Elster (in a cave next to Sardon’s tower): Wanted loots: ALL
Blacksmith (SnowTown): Wanted loots: Broken Sword, Chainless Flail, Cracked Shield, Defuse Bomb, Dull Arrow.
loot trader - blacksmitch
Old Wizard (Hidden cave in Rails Caves): Wanted loots: Odd-shaped Gem.
loot trader
Lantern Seller (Cave near Onnet Town): Wanted loots: Old Lantern
Taylor Richaard (Under Graal City): Wanted loots: Old Underwear, Ruined Scarft
taylor richaard
Earl (The Woods of Master Li, Inside Horse Stables): Wanted loots: Old Horseshoe
Jack (York Town): Wanted loots: Gold Doubloon, Heavy Anchor, Silver Doubloon, Ship Helm
Raphael (Mod Town, in a bar): Wanted loots: Dirty Mug, Shiny Mug
Floydian (South West Swamp Town) Wanted Loots: Old Fishing Hook, Fishing Lure
Railway Station Gift Shop (Graal City) Wanted Loots: Draisine Wheel
 Train station shop
Joshua (Oasis, VIP Island) Wanted Loots: Huge Conch Shell, Scallop Shell, Conch Shell, Cone Shell, Sand-Dollar, Star Fish.
Unknown (Destiny, in a secret cave ->see Coin Quest) Wanted Loots: Water Amulet, Gold Necklace, Gold Nugget, Gold Pearl, Ornate Ring
loot seller cave
Now here is a list of all the loots we can find and informations about each:
live turtle
 Black Pearl: Elster > 50  Gralats
Blue Graal: Elster > 30  Gralats
Broken Bottle: Elster > 5  Gralats
Broken Goggles: Elster > 12  Gralats
loot - broken keyBroken Key: Elster > 5  Gralats
Broken Sword: Blacksmith > 18 Gralats / Elster > 13  Gralats
Chainless Flail: Blacksmith > 75 Gralats / Elster > 50  Gralats
Cone Shell: Joshua > 10 Gralats / Elster > 8  Gralats
Crab Shell: Elster > 9  Gralats
Cracked Shield: Blacksmith > 18 Gralats / Elster > 13  Gralats
Conch Shell: Joshua > 10 Gralats / Elster > 8  Gralats
 dagger  Dagger of Famine: Elster > 100 Gralats
Dead Coral: Elster > 7  Gralats
loot - defused bombDefuse Bomb: Blacksmith > 7 Gralats / Elster > 5  Gralats
Dirty Mug: Raphael > 5 Gralats / Elster > 5  Gralats
Disabled Nuke: Elster > 45  Gralats
Draisine Wheel: Railway Station Gift Shop > 17 Gralats / Elster > 13  Gralats
Dull Arrow: Blacksmith > 7  Gralats / Elster > 5 Gralats
Empty Bottle: Elster > 10  Gralats
Empty Jar: Elster > 10  Gralats
Fish Bones : Elster > 15  Gralats
Fishing Lure: Floydian > 45 Gralats / Elster > 30  Gralats
Flat Soccer Ball: Elster > 7  Gralats
Gemless Ring : Elster > 15  Gralats
Gold Doubloon: Jack > 75 Gralats / Elster > 50  Gralats
Gold Necklace: Unknown > 75 gralats / Elster > 50  Gralats
Gold Nugget: Unknown > 75 Gralats / Elster > 50  Gralats
Gold Pearl: Unknown > 150 Gralats / Elster > 100  Gralats
Green Graal: Elster > 30  Gralats
Heavy Anchor: Jack (Pyrat) > 20 Gralats / Elster > 15  Gralats
loot - huge conch shellHuge Conch Shell: Joshua > 20 Gralats / Elster > 15  Gralats
loot - imperfect peartImperfect Pearl: Elster > 7  Gralats
Kelp: Elster > 5  Gralats
 ninja turtle bleue ninja turtle mauveLive Turtle: It’s a furniture item.
Magical Crystal: Elster > 100  Gralats
moon rockMoon Rock: (Can be found with maps) Elster > 75 Gralats
Narwhal Horn: Elster > 75  Gralats
Odd-shaped Gem: Old Wizard > 150 Gralats / Elster > 100  Gralats
Old Boots: Elster > 5  Gralats
loot - fishing lineOld Fishing Hooks: Floydian > 18 Gralats / Elster > 15  Gralats
Old Horseshoe: Earl > 18 Gralats / Elster > 15  Gralats
Old Lantern: Lantern Seller > 18 Gralats / Elster > 15  Gralats
Old Underwear: Taylor Richaard > 7 Gralats / Elster > 5  Gralats
Ornate Ring: Unknown > 75 Gralats / Elster > 50  Gralats
Red Graal: Elster > 30  Gralats
Rock: Elster > 5  Gralats
Rotter Easter Egg: Elster > 5  Gralats
Ruined Scarft: Taylor Richaard > 9 Gralats / Elster > 7  Gralats
Sad Sign: Elster > 5  Gralats
Sand-Dollar: Joshua > 15 Graats / Elster >  12 Gralats
Scallop Shell: Joshua > 10 Gralats / Elster > 8  Gralats
Sea Sponge: Elster > 12  Gralats
Shark Tooth: Elster > 8  Gralats
Shiny Mug: Raphael > 12 Gralats / Elster > 10  Gralats
Ship Helm: Jack > 20 gralats / Elster > 15  Gralats
Silver Doubloon: Jack > 20 Gralats / Elster > 15  Gralats
loot - skullSkull: Elster > 12  Gralats
Star Fish: Joshua >10 Gralats / Elster > 8  Gralats
Tarnished Crystal: Elster > 50  Gralats
Tin Can: Elster > 5  Gralats
Turtle Shell: Elster > 13  Gralats
Vase: Elster > 5  Gralats
Wand of Elements: Elster > 100  Gralats
Water Amulet: Unknown > 150 Gralats / Elster > 100  Gralats
White Pearl : Elster > 12  Gralats
Weird Brick: (You can convert it into furniture or sell it) Elster > 50 Gralats
Yellow Graal: Elster > 30  Gralats
On Graal, you can upload heads, bodies and codes for your avatar. But, it is not easy when you never did it. You can ask someone to do it for you, but you have to give him your email…and if you don’t want people to hack you, DON’T DO THIS and uplaod yourself! If you don’t have a PC, ask me!
Let me help you with this little guide.
1. First, click this link.
2. After, write your email that you use to  identify your account.
3. Now, you have to copy the graphic you want to uplaod:
3.1. Go on any uplaod site (like mine)
3.2. Save the image that you want in your documents.
3.3 Go back to the upload page and copy it.
4. Check what you want.
5. Set transparency if necessary.
6. Click on uplaod.
7. Now you will have to wait until an admin accepts your graphic. Enjoy your new upload!
Little Note:     Head=20 000 gralats
                          Body=10 000 gralats
                          Shield/Sword public=1000 gralats
                          Shield/Sword personnal=2500 gralats


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